A Positive Impact on both Society and Environment | Milesight Smart Green Building


We know Milesight Smart building has been designed in an eco-friendly way and puts greater reliance on sophisticated technology. When did you first come up with the idea of creating such a green building?

Milesight is a technology and innovation-based enterprise that puts great emphasis on the IoT insights that hold immense significance and have an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives. With the multifaceted and continually changing needs and environment in recent years, the “Green Building Mission” emerged and typically refers to a government or industry-led initiative aimed at promoting the construction and operation of environmentally sustainable and energy-efficient buildings in compliance with ESG. Furthermore, we contribute to the global effort to combat climate change, reduce energy consumption, conserve water resources, and create a healthier living and working space for the people and society. 

The Milesight Green Building is essential to safeguard not only the people who use and inhabit the building but also the long-term value of the asset, and the impact on the environment. As the demand for sustainable buildings continues to increase on a global scale, what do you think is the role that Milesight Green Building has to play for the people, environment, and future development?

The Smart IoT building is designed with a comprehensive perspective enjoys long-term viability and is more resilient and adaptable to changing circumstances, including surveillance systems, asset protection management tools, energy-efficient workplaces, cyber-security measures, and health monitoring devices.

Overall, the Milesight Green Building’s significance lies in its potential to address pressing environmental and social challenges while providing economic benefits and enhancing the quality of life for building occupants. It represents a holistic approach to construction that balances the needs of the people, the planet, and economic prosperity.


With the steady growth of the need for sustainable building in the global scope, we understand the links between how our built environment is planned, designed, and delivered, and the impact that these activities have on the environment and communities’ well-being is increasingly important. Does this project hold any significant importance to the company's development history? Is it known for breaking new ground, and setting the stage for future developments and advancements?

Definitely yes. This project plays a vital role in addressing environmental challenges. Renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies, improved indoor ambience, and sustainable agriculture practices contribute to a more sustainable future. It is a strong demonstration and willingness of Milesight to challenge the status quo, our ability to envision new possibilities, and the determination and power to overcome obstacles. Milesight is expected to bring about significant advancements that hold tremendous potential in various industries and aspects of our daily lives, such as smart building, agriculture, IAQ solution, CoWork project, smart restroom, etc. Besides, Milesight actively participates in the IoT ecosystem which is dynamic and continually evolving as new technologies emerge, standards are established, and use cases expand. By collaborating and presenting in the IoT community, Milesight expands its brand awareness and form strategic partnership and collaborations with other organizations, including IoT vendors, technology providers, and research institutions. 

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